Frequently Asked Questions

Why take a Spirit SEED class?



Personal Development

Learn how to use flower essences and soul medicine to support your mental, emotional and spiritual wellness goals.


Professional Development

We’ll teach you how to integrate flower essences and soul medicine into your current clinical practice, OR help you jumpstart a new career as a certified Flower Essence Practitioner.


Community Leadership

You already lead with love! We’ll teach you how to use flower essences and soul medicine within the communities you serve.

Still not sure?

Talk to Us! Come to one of our info sessions to discuss your goals, glows and grows. We’ll help you decide if and how the Spirit Seed can support your vision.


What are SEEDS?

SEEDS are units of classroom time and instruction. It's a basic guideline- similar to a credit system in a college or university- that gives you a sense of how much time and classwork is required for each class. In the 2022-23 program year, one SEED is equivalent to three hours of work, which may be a combination of live or virtual instruction, forum participation, reading and writing assignments, and work on portfolio projects.  Flower Essence Practitioner certification requires 200 SEEDS, with the expectation of about 600 to 1000 hours of intensive, compassionate study and clinical practice over the course of two years. 

How much homework can I expect?

The amount of homework ranges from class to class.  Entry  level classes generally require zero to two hours of personal reflection and homework after each class. This is your typical workshop, after which you’ll spend some time reflecting on  the material and applying it to your life.  Advanced courses are structured such that there are two to four hours of homework per hour of class. This means that if you're in class for two hours of one week, within that week you should expect anywhere from four to eight hours of  reflection, reading from required texts and articles, writing, research, ritual, art, or work on final projects. We try to make the homework engaging and fun, and honor many learning styles as you draw connections between the course material and your personal experiences.
I really benefitted from the homework. It was a lot on the surface, but wasn’t actually that time consuming, and went in an amazing order to guide me through each experience.
— JIllian Fiore, Student

Are the classes virtual?

Our interactive classes are currently offered virtually through Zoom.  However, each class is  structured to honor the gifts and genius of our student community.  Just as the Earth herself is living, breathing, and dynamic, so is the practice of soul medicine! Our students learn as much from each other as they do their facilitators.    We’ve  learned that classes where there's an active community,  meaningful live interaction with an instructor, and many points of connection have a stronger retention rate and better outcomes.    In some cases, sessions are recorded and available on our student portal.  However, we encourage students to not rely on the videos for primary learning unless absolutely necessary.  If you are in the Flower Essence Practitioner Certification Program, 80% attendance is required to receive credit for the course. 

Do I have to be a wellness professional to join?

You do not have to be a professional or an inspiring aspiring wellness professional to benefit from this program!  We believe that soul medicine is for everyone.  We remember that the healing gifts of nature were once available to all, and passed down for generations like old recipes and folk tales. Many participants join simply because they want to learn how to use flower essences for their own personal and spiritual development, and lovingly share what they learn with their friends and family. If you are already a wellness professional, you'll find that our classes support you as integrate flower essences into your clinical practice.

How do I apply?

We currently do not screen students for the program, because we believe this medicine belongs to everyone!  However, the more advanced classes tend to fill with students who are deeply committed and actively engaged. 

When does the program start?

The Spirit Seed has rolling admission, and classes are offered continuously throughout the year. So, get in where you fit in! You are welcome to take classes without formally enrolling in the certification program. In fact, we recommend that you register for the classes, workshops and courses that are the most interesting or speak most loudly to you. If you feel a curiosity or a subtle “lift” as you read about a class- trust it! It might have something for you that you’ll only discover after you dive in. As you complete the course requirements, we will update your transcript and keep track of your SEEDS (Credits). Over time you'll determine if you want to take on the rigorous case study work required for certification. Throughout your process, we are happy to meet with you to discuss your goals, and to help you to design a program that fits your schedule, your budget, and your practice.

Are there scholarships available?

We offer a limited amount of full and partial scholarships to students for every course, based on available funds.  Students who are awarded scholarships are active and engaged. Once you have studied with us, you'll be included on the communications about available scholarships.