A World Beyond: The MetaFlora Coaching Curriculum

As above, so below

As within, so without

As the Universe, so the Soul.  

A World Beyond: The Metaflora Coaching Curriculum expands on the magical aspect of flower essences and how they are used to amplify messages of the soul.  The course introduces the MetaFlora Coaching system developed by Patricia Kaminski of the Flower Essence Society. Influenced largely by archetypal depth psychology and the work of Carl Jung, you will learn tools and strategies to more deeply engage your friends, family and clients in the process of soul alchemy.

The goal of this course is to move beyond symptomatic use of flower essences and into a multi-layered therapeutic approach to ongoing inner work.  You will learn how to recognize key archetypal complexes, therapeutic values and strategies, and the flower essences that support alchemical transformation on a spiritual level.  Practitioners in this course use peer coaching to refine their ability to attune to other ways of seeing and knowing beyond the linear and the rational mind.

​A World Beyond supports students as they integrate core practitioner skills in real time:  formula design, working with the 9 Stages of Soul Healing, patient-practitioner dynamics, and reflective listening.

This class is required for all students who plan to complete the Flower Essence Society certification through the Spirit Seed. AfterA World Beyond, students who have completed foundation Spirit Seed courses are invited to enter the clinical residency. This final stage in the practitioner certification program involves in-depth work with clients and case study .

Course Details



This is an advanced flower essence course with the following Spirit Seed pre-requisites:

In Our Element Flower Essence Intensive (or equivalent training at another Flower Essence institution)

Into the Depths: 9 Stages of Soul Healing (can be taken con-currently in the Winter 23-24 Quarter)

Required Text Books & Resources:

A World Beyond meets for 4 live virtual sessions via Zoom on bi-weekly Thursdays from 7- 9:30pm EST/ 4-6:30pm PST. Practitioners are paired for peer consultations and case write-ups in between live meetings. 80% attendance is required for certification credit.

Live Workshop Dates (Via Zoom):

October 26th

November 9th

November 30th

December 14th

Please note that an additional Metaflora workshop with Patricia Kaminiski, co-founder of the Flower Essence Society and creatress of the Metaflora system, will be scheduled as part of this course. Date TBD.



Required Text Books & Resources:

FES MetaFlora Workbook (provided in class)

Flower Essence Repertory: A Comprehensive Guide to the Flower Essences researched by Dr. Edward Bach and the Flower Essence Society by Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski

Flower Essence Services Affirm-a-Flower Deck

Additional reading selections will be available on the Spirit Seed student forum


Save $50!

Tuition for this course is $750. Register and save $50 with one payment!


Payment Plan- 3 Payments

The tuition for this course is $750. Join with a registration deposit of $250, followed by 2monthly auto-payments of $250 (processed October 20th and November 20th).